Lord God, in your hands the poor and the oppressed, the distraught and the dispossessed find refuge, comfort, and strength.

We pray for the people and the Church of Lebanon, who for hundreds of years have been a haven of hope, a nation of fervent and compelling faith, where tolerance, respect, and coexistence among brothers and sisters have manifested your Son’s request that all humanity be one.

Now in this time of unrest and violence, which has reopened old wounds, we call upon your mercy and compassion, Lord, to bring healing and rekindle hope once again among a people faithful to your will. Surround these people with a sense of your present love and shelter them beneath the shadow of your wings.

Though lost at this moment in grief and confusion, may the people of Lebanon rise up to become champions of a new rebirth, where a spirit of fraternity among all religious traditions will reveal the power of your Holy Spirit renewing the face of the earth, and justice and peace may alleviate all suffering.

We ask through Jesus Christ, you Son, who is our resurrection and our life, and who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

Our Lady of Lebanon, pray for us.