

Let's grow together


Parish Ministries

Spiritual, educational and liturgical ministries.



Volunteer your time and talents to serve God.


Days of Service

Every day throughout the year, volunteers help our parish grow.


Administrator:  Fr. Robert Youssef Farah

Organizations & Ministries

Pastoral Life Council – Advise the Pastor, the Pastoral team and all committee chairs on how to serve the spiritual needs of the parishioners and parish community. Coordinate the activities of all Pastoral Life Committees. Coordinate outreach to inactive parishioners. Welcome and integrate new parishioners into St. Sharbel Mission. Plan special events to enhance the spiritual and community life of the family. Solicit volunteers needed to execute the Pastoral programs in the parish.

The Pastor is the ex officio President of the Pastoral Life Council.  Certain members of the Pastoral Life Council serve ex officio while 3 others are elected by the parish. The chair of the Pastoral Life Council is elected or appointed for a two-year term of office.

  1. Pastoral Team
  2. Chair of the Liturgy Committee
  3. Faith Formation Committee
  4. Daughters and Sons of St Sharbel Committee
  5. Chair of the Events Committee
  6. Chair of the Financial Committee
  7. Chair of the Building and Ground Committee

To read the full document about the Pastoral life council click on the following file policy-002-councils-committees-and-organizations

Maronite Youth Organization (MYO) – This Eparchial organization is open to all youth of the Cathedral from 7th grade through high school. Officers are elected at the first meeting in September for one-year terms. The principal focus of the MYO is spiritual, educational, and cultural in nature. Participation at local, regional, and national workshops/conferences is encouraged. Our meetings are held on the Fourth Sunday of each month.

Altar Servers – All young boys ages eight and up are encouraged to assist the Priest at the Altar during Mass.

Choir – The Choir (adult singers) consists of members of the parish who wish to donate their time and talent to the musical enrichment of the liturgy.  They sings most major liturgies from the first Sunday of September through the last Sunday of June.  Rehearsals are held on the 2nd Sunday of the month  after the Divine liturgy.  The ability to read Arabic/Syriac is not required.  A Junior Choir is in the process of formation for children from age 8 through 16.  Look for future notices.

Lectors – The Word of God is an essential part of our daily worship.  Lectors are trained at various times during the year (to be announced) in both English and Arabic.  If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please contact the pastor.

Ministry Meeting