All posts by: George Harb

You may now promote your business or recognize a loved one with a banner ad at the Taste of Lebanon Festival. Use our Online Sponsorship Form to submit your sponsorship request.  To allow enough time to produce the banners, the deadline to...
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Upcoming Liturgical commemorations Hosanna Sunday & Holy Week Hosanna Sunday April 2: Blessed Palms will be distributed and we will process outside (weather permitting) or inside the Church. (11:00 AM) Monday & Tuesday April 3 & 4: Arrival at the...
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What is Realm? Realm is a real ministry tool. Realm is an online ministry tool designed for real time connection. It helps our church connect with you and you connect with us. If you consider yourself part of this church...
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The Most Reverend Gregory John Mansour by the Grace of God and the Favor ofthe Apostolic See Bishop of the Eparchy of Saint Maron Of Brooklyn of the Maronites Decree ERECTING SAINT SHARBEL IN RALEIGH’NORTH CAROLIRA AS A PARESH OF...
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To view and read the bulletin click on the following link  ...
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LEBANON IS PROUD OF YOU. BE PROUD OF YOUR ROOTS. The Maronite Foundation Proudly Presents: THE MARONITE ACADEMY INITIATIVE, 8TH ANNUAL SESSION in honor of the late HE MICHEL EDDE, Founder and honorary President of the Maronite Foundation. Hosted by...
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  To view and read the bulletin click on the following link  ...
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  To view and read the bulletin click on the following link  ...
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The dream has come true. The dedication and consecration ceremony is a beautiful ceremony that occurs only once in the lifetime of a church. It’s a rare honor and privilege to be able to participate in one. Please join Bishop...
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